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20 Mar
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What is to crimp?
It is called crimp to the cable splicing procedure, especially used for telephone connectors.
Crimper, is the tool used to crimp or corrugate two metal pieces and other malleable materials by deformation of one or both pieces. This deformation will keep them together in a very safe way.
Using this system instead of welding we can save time and gain security, both when performing the operation and when connecting cables.
There are different types of crimpers, which we can use are:
- Crimper for hollow ferrules.
- Crimper for isolated terminals: with different heads for different cable diameters and types of terminals.
There are also different types of terminals and connectors to crimp. We are going to see the ones that are used in wires of a thread.
- Cylindrical tube:
We can use it as a cable terminal to make a connection or to connect two cables.
Insert the end of the stripped wire into the tube and crimp. Previously we must have introduced in one of the heat shrink sheathing cables to protect the union. We can also use insulating tape or kapton.
- Clamp terminal:
We have to strip a piece of wire, place it in its position, and bend the plates "opening" the cable. If it has a cover to protect the joint, we must introduce it in the cable beforehand.
1 Comment(s)
Me gustaria comprar la crimpadora para punteras huecas, pero estoy en Quito - Ecuador
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