HTA3D is a company especializad in Reprap 3D Printers e 3D Printing.
In 2014 HTA3D was born, located in Estepona, Málaga (Spain). Initially, selling printed parts and components from our eBay profile. Gradually, thanks to our customers and the continuous pursuit of their satisfaction, we achieved an outstanding position in the market.
Nowadays, we have a wide catalogue of components, from which you can choose each component of your 3D printed in a customized way, complete DIY 3D printer kitss with writen and video documentation, and all kind of consumables, as a great filament catalogue.
As Confucious said: “Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life". And in HTA3D, as technology lovers, we feel lucky expending our hours and efforts in this evolving technology that offers so many opportunities and alternaties. And from this gratitude and satisfaction emerges our desire to do the things right, improving every day, offering the best to our clients.
3D Printing technologies are continuously growing, and its evolution depends on all of us. Therefore, we believe extending its use to an everyday level and making it reacheable to everyone is one of the best ways to help its development.
With the gaze staring at quality, in HTA3D our main objective is the development of 3D Printing offering an integral service. From the sale of 3D printers, components, filaments, accessories and 3D printing services, incorporating in our catalog the latest in 3D Printing and ensuring quality at competitive prices; to the improvement and implementation of the latest technologies of 3D printing to our printers, always offering sales and after sales services bearing in mind the customer and his satisfaction.
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Our History and Most Relevant Milestones

All our experience accumulated in these thousands of hours of 3D printing, together with the demand for reliable 3D printers made us launch in 2016 our first big success, "P3Steel by HTA3D", our modification of the P3Steel with many custom elements: direct extruder, custom frame, etc.
At this time still many popular brands were using geared extruders with knurled screw.
Over the next few months we included many improvements such as Igus bearings, and motors with integrated screws. Pr*** still sold their printer with metric 5 rods, with no other option.

This was a hard blow for the whole society.
We were caught in the "eye of the hurricane", we could write a whole article about what we lived during these months, but as a summary: we froze the prices of all our material, unlike many others, we did not use the situation to speculate, we collaborated with many projects such as "Coronavirus Makers", we donated personal protective equipment directly, also 3D printing materials, for many weeks we were working to the limit to be able to serve all the necessary material without delay.
I will never forget the call from a father whose daughter, a doctor, was working without proper PPE. We were proud to be able to collaborate with all these projects and people.

Do you like what we do and want to support us?
We make it easy for you, just visit our store from time to time and buy what you need.
Not only will you get the best value for your money, since we have very competitive prices. But we will also strive to give you the best service we can.
You will also be contributing to an SME that pays its taxes in Spain, invests in R+D+i and publishes its designs for the benefit of all.